• Hi all and welcome to TheWoodHaven2 brought into the 21st Century, kicking and screaming! We all have Alasdair to thank for the vast bulk of the heavy lifting to get us here, no more so than me because he's taken away a huge burden of responsibility from my shoulders and brought us to this new shiny home, with all your previous content (hopefully) still intact! Please peruse and feed back. There is still plenty to do, like changing the colour scheme, adding the banner graphic, tweaking the odd setting here and there so I have added a new thread in the 'Technical Issues, Bugs and Feature Requests' forum for you to add any issues you find, any missing settings or just anything you'd like to see added/removed from the feature set that Xenforo offers. We will get to everything over the coming weeks so please be patient, but add anything at all to the thread I mention above and we promise to get to them over the next few days/weeks/months. In the meantime, please enjoy!
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  • Nothing received so far Roger. And I have checked my spam folder too! It's an odd email address so maybe check that you've copied it right? How big was the file attachment? I've checked and there was no typo in my submission.
    Cheers, Roger
    Hi Roger. Sorry for delay. Our internet has been down for 5 days post Storm Darragh and only just come back on. I'd be interested to receive that sound file. Thnx. Please send to xyzrdmzyx@gmail.com

    Regards, Roger
    Hi Roger

    I've sent it just now (I think!). Please let me know if you get it. Cheers

    Bad news to be w/o internet for that length of time. Are you on some overhead cable ?

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