• Hi all and welcome to TheWoodHaven2 brought into the 21st Century, kicking and screaming! We all have Alasdair to thank for the vast bulk of the heavy lifting to get us here, no more so than me because he's taken away a huge burden of responsibility from my shoulders and brought us to this new shiny home, with all your previous content (hopefully) still intact! Please peruse and feed back. There is still plenty to do, like changing the colour scheme, adding the banner graphic, tweaking the odd setting here and there so I have added a new thread in the 'Technical Issues, Bugs and Feature Requests' forum for you to add any issues you find, any missing settings or just anything you'd like to see added/removed from the feature set that Xenforo offers. We will get to everything over the coming weeks so please be patient, but add anything at all to the thread I mention above and we promise to get to them over the next few days/weeks/months. In the meantime, please enjoy!

Search results

  1. S

    Australian word of the year, 2024

    Which is why the real benefit of this type of machine learning is on cases where humans don't know how to differentiate it - the radiology example is nice because it's easy for a layman to understand what's going on, but the really interesting cases are where we have all sorts of measurements...
  2. S

    I don't want to believe that this is true...

    It might be easier to persuade her to just keep the receipts from when she fills up and dump them on you at a convenient time, when you can transcribe it into the computer. Of course it's still a question of whether that's really the thing you want to spend your brownie points on.
  3. S

    Can you spot what went wrong?

    Mike's obviously the expert here, but I also can't see how the props would be the problem - the rafters can only slide down if the bottom ends are able to move away from the inside wall (whether because they're not tied properly, or the outside wall is moving, or some other reason), and if...
  4. S

    Mental Health benefit of woodwork

    And on the flip side, I'm still working 9-5 and will be for many years yet, but that work is all computer based and has little tangible product at the end of it. The ability to see something physically take shape in front of me is a huge counter to the sense of inevitable futility that easily...
  5. S

    No! I will not Sign off on it.

    The argument against them goes: if you are sitting or standing in a pool of water, like a bath or a shower, and also in that water is either a metal drain pipe or a tap fitting with a metal supply pipe, then there's a low resistance path to ground passing through you. It's the immersion of the...
  6. S

    F ing cold this morning!

    It varies from year to year. Could be anything between three weeks and six months. Summer is similar and can be anything from three non-consecutive days up to a solid four months. As the saying goes, if you don't like the British weather, just wait ten minutes.
  7. S

    Diamond plates

    Taking the long view, you could also buy two double sided plates, use one side of each, and when they wear out swap them around and flip them over to use the other sides. Treat it as two sides giving twice the lifetime and not as replacing two stones.
  8. S

    The accuracy (or otherwise) of AI

    It doesn't. These language models don't have a concept of actual information or knowledge, just what words appeared together in its training set. If the question you ask is something that was directly answered somewhere in that training set then this is usually enough, but if it isn't then it's...
  9. S

    Does this look like an old-style fuse box?

    Right. It'll be fine as long as you don't want to change anything electrical, but if that's the age of the electrics then the chances of every room already having enough sockets is slim. On the plus side, a board change without rewiring is quick and not intrusive.
  10. S

    F ing cold this morning!

    Dry cold does make a huge difference. When I spent a winter in Finland several years back, -25 and dry was actually quite pleasant for the few minutes before your eyeballs started freezing if you forgot to keep blinking. Either way much nicer than the damp +3 back home.
  11. S

    Does this look like an old-style fuse box?

    Yes and no, for the reasons others have mentioned and also: a board of that age will not have any RCD protection on the final circuits, and it's now a requirement to have that on any non-steel-armoured cables buried in walls. While it's true that you won't be forced to change the existing...
  12. S

    Cooking steak

    As you've found out, fattier cuts need different cooking compared to a leaner sirloin or (especially) fillet, as they can be tough if the fat hasn't had a chance to melt and soften properly. For my preference, that just means cooking them a shade more than a leaner one - I'll do a sirloin rare...
  13. S


    The short, very simplified version is: if you're a VAT registered business, you add VAT to any in-scope goods or services that you sell. Your accountants make a note of how much VAT you've received in this way. You then add up the total amount of VAT that you've paid to other companies for the...
  14. S

    Winter is over

    In my particular part of the country we see snow that actually settles on the roads about once every three or four years, so it's summer tyres year round here. Even cross-seasons aren't worth it for most people, leaving aside the problems of storage that Alasdair mentioned already.
  15. S

    How would you make this?

    A 2" core box bit, if you can find/fit a big enough guide bush for it, would give you just under an inch of flat spot on the bottom, which may or may not be close enough for your purposes. Of course it also doesn't really fit 'free' since most people don't have one of those lying around, but...
  16. S

    Fixing conundrum

    I think I'd be inclined to go with Adrian's suggestion of decorative rivets, but I'd also plane flat sections on the undersides of the handles to give a proper mating surface with the tray. My second choice would be to tenon them into the sides. You could of course do both at the same time if...
  17. S

    How's your Latin?

    Near as I can remember, yes. It's one of those formations that does exist in English, but hides in plain sight by looking exactly the same as a participle in most cases. It's essentially a verb that's been turned into a noun, referring to the act of doing whatever the verb is. "Nunc est...
  18. S

    Winter solstice

    Sea temperature has more effect on our weather than sun, but sea temperature is in turn affected by the sun. The thing is that the amount of sunlight doesn't determine the temperature, it determines the change in temperature. When days are shortest isn't when temperatures are lowest, it's when...
  19. S

    Electric spice/garlic grinder

    As I've mentioned before, having an Indian wife means we cook a lot of Indian food, and 95% of (both wet and dry) spice grinding happens in a Cuisinart grinder that's also very similar to that Lakeland one. I just checked the bottom of ours and the model number is SG20U, which seems to have been...
  20. S

    Clock - Done

    My rule of thumb - and there will be exceptions here - is that Prosecco tends to be sweeter, and a lot of Brits in particular prefer that. My other rule of thumb is that the good Champagne starts at (UK prices, of course) around £50 a bottle, and below that, pound for pound, you can get a more...