• Hi all and welcome to TheWoodHaven2 brought into the 21st Century, kicking and screaming! We all have Alasdair to thank for the vast bulk of the heavy lifting to get us here, no more so than me because he's taken away a huge burden of responsibility from my shoulders and brought us to this new shiny home, with all your previous content (hopefully) still intact! Please peruse and feed back. There is still plenty to do, like changing the colour scheme, adding the banner graphic, tweaking the odd setting here and there so I have added a new thread in the 'Technical Issues, Bugs and Feature Requests' forum for you to add any issues you find, any missing settings or just anything you'd like to see added/removed from the feature set that Xenforo offers. We will get to everything over the coming weeks so please be patient, but add anything at all to the thread I mention above and we promise to get to them over the next few days/weeks/months. In the meantime, please enjoy!

A tad of mirth

Steve Maskery":2yabq3l2 said:
Andyp":2yabq3l2 said:
. She brought me back some of that dutch cheese that is made backwards.
No customs problems? I'm going to France next week and was thinking of taking some Stilton as a gift, but my understanding is that dairy is now the equivalent of a hand grenade. Am I mistaken?

Steve, dont forget that Andy in in France so the cheese movement was within Eu.

Steve, taking any dairy or meat products to France are distinct no no at the moment. A real shame, we used to stock up on decent bacon and bangers, alas no more.

Which way are you travelling Steve?. If Portsmouth - Caen we are not far away, we still have plenty of decent english tea. Alas dunkable biscuits ran out a few weeks back.
Andyp":2ad0tvvb said:
Steve, taking any dairy or meat products to France are distinct no no at the moment. A real shame, we used to stock up on decent bacon and bangers, alas no more.

Which way are you travelling Steve?. If Portsmouth - Caen we are not far away, we still have plenty of decent english tea. Alas dunkable biscuits ran out a few weeks back.

Flying to Limoges. After that, we are at the complete mercy of Froggy! :)
Offspring just went back to NL via France. He was loaded up with butter, bacon, cheese, along with half my kitchen and tool kit. His experience is that the checks coming into the UK from France are often extensive (car searched) whereas going back they don't bother much apart from the explosives wand. However, he has both UK and Dutch passports (depending on who he is dealing with) and Dutch plates.
Interesting Adrian, I might try and smuggle some decent bangers on next trip.

Surprised your son needs to take bacon. My experience of dutch bacon is that is very similar to the uk. NL food tastes are far more similar to the UK than here. Mind you the NL has decent tool shops too ;)
I’m always amazed at how little fresh milk is sold here. It is as if fridges do not exist. Shelf space for long life milk is about 20 times greater than fresh.
Andyp":10wuqr2q said:
Interesting Adrian, I might try and smuggle some decent bangers on next trip.

Surprised your son needs to take bacon. My experience of dutch bacon is that is very similar to the uk. NL food tastes are far mor similar to the UK than here. Mind you the NL hase decent tool shops too ;)
I’m always amazed at how little fresh milk is sold here. It is as if fridges do not exist. Shelf space for long life milk is about 20 times greater than fresh.

A friend of mine who lives in France refers to the UHT long life milk as Ultra Horrid Tasting milk.
Words with two Meanings

Female...... Any part under a car's hood.
Male..... The strap fastener on a woman's bra.

Female.... Fully opening up one's self emotionally to another.
Male.... Playing cricket without a box.

Female... The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner.
Male... Leaving a note before taking off on a fishing trip with the boys.

Female.... A desire to get married and raise a family.
Male...... Trying not to hit on other women while out with this one.

Female.... A good movie, concert, play or book.
Male...... Anything that can be done while drinking beer.

Female.... An embarrassing by product of indigestion.
Male...... A source of entertainment, self-expression, male bonding.

Female...... The greatest expression of intimacy a couple can achieve.
Male.. Call it whatever you want, just as long as we do it.

Female.... A device for changing from one TV channel to another.
Male... A device for scanning through all 375 channels every 5 minutes.
Phil":ozh1ow1s said:
Male.... A device for changing from one TV channel to another.
Female... A device for scanning through all 375 channels every 5 minutes.

I've had to correct that last one for our household (or am I showing my feminine side :oops: :D )

Cheers, Vann.
Saw the brilliant Stand Up and Rock with Jasper Carrott and Bev Bevan at the weekend.

According to Jasper, there's so much drug taking and drug testing on sport nowadays.

Lawn bowls teams give urine samples………even if they don't mean to.
In terms of DNA, a single sperm carries about 37.5 megabytes of data. This means, an average ejaculation transfers around 1,500 terabytes of data in seconds.

Now we know where all our brains have gone! :lol: :lol: :lol:
While Mission Control and myself have been away, we used the park and ride.

"Two returns, please", I said to the driver.

"Where to?" he asked.

"Here, of course", I replied.

( :) Don't mess with us old 'uns)

What’s your sign? Not astrological, but business. A new sign chart doing the rounds offer fresh insight into the character of your colleagues.


You are ambitious but stupid. You choose a marketing degree to avoid studying in college, concentrating instead on drinking and socialising, which is pretty much what you do know.


Laziest of all signs. Unless someone calls and begs you to take their money, you avoid contact with customers to “concentrate on the big picture”. You seek admiration for your golf game.


Unable to control your personal life, you like to control everything at your workplace. Even you sometimes don’t understand what you are saying.


One of only two signs that studied in school. You’re happy by yourself; your office is full of the latest ergodynamic gadgets.


The other sign that studied. You are immune to office politics and are the most feared person in the company.


Ironically, given your access to confidential information, you are the biggest gossip in the company. Possibly the only person who does less work than sales, you are unable to return any calls today because you have to get a haircut, have lunch and mail a letter.


Catty, cutthroat yet completely spineless, you are destined to remain in your current job forever. Unable to make decisions, you measure your worth by the number of meetings you schedule for yourself. You’re likely to marry another middle manager because everyone in your social circle is one.


See above.


You use acronyms to avoid revealing your lack of experience. You have convinced yourself your “skills” are in demand and you could get a higher paying job with any company in a heartbeat. You’ll never do it.


You are brilliant or lucky. Your inability to figure out complex systems like the fax machine suggests the latter.


You are highly inventive, mainly in finding ways to take time off. You suffer from deep depression and often commit crimes while on the job.
Andyp":1hunquqi said:
AJB Temple":1hunquqi said:
What is a fax machine?

There replaced the telex machine. :)

We had to learn to use a telex machine to music! Old Tech!

Then some wag would put all the little punched out holes in your hat. What fun.
Malc2098":2njadrre said:
Then some wag would put all the little punched out holes in your hat. What fun.

It took ages to get rid of them from your clothes :lol:

Can any of you remember the old Hollerith machines? One of my first porgramming tasks was to write the programs for an ICL1500(?) that would get rid of the old Hollerith’s. This was in the late 60’s.


I also learnt how to plug the machine and especially the punch card sorter. Drop a pack of punch cards and you were not popular.

The ICL had I recall 4 magnetic tape drives.

It was sometimes quicker to patch a program and write the code in machine code.

Then there was also the Burroughs B2500, NCR315, IBMS38 ………..

In those days you did contract work for one company daytime and another company evenings and weekends.
Phil":79jdko8q said:
Malc2098":79jdko8q said:
Can any of you remember the old Hollerith machines? One of my first porgramming [sic] tasks was to write the programs for an ICL1500(?) that would get rid of the old Hollerith’s. This was in the late 60’s.
That was before my time, but I am impressed by your memory. I first learnt to program in the late 70s, using punched cards and Algol 68R, but I cannot remember what the computer was or what device punched the cards. Or how to code in Algol.
Back in the late '60's I was a weekend student at the local Sainsbury's branch. My main task on Saturday was to count the stock in the branch including the warehouse' in the basement and then to transcribe the figures with a fat black pencil onto those cards. Cross-checking with the expected stock levels on the weekly mainframe printout. Dead easy. I could knock that off very quickly, then retire to the empty staff dining room to do the cards, finish quickly and have a little kip.

Sometimes I confess my attention nd accuracy might slip and I would know that that had happened the following Friday evening when the manager would, beckon me with his finger and take me down to the basement where there might be a humungous stack of baked bean cases - my error telling the computer we'd sold hundreds and hundreds and so it wanted to restock. :oops:
I joined ICL in 1980, punch card machines had long since gone but we used stacks of those old cards in the office as memo pads. Then It was all 1900 and 2900 mainframes IIRC with huge reel to reel tape drives and stonking great dumb terminals, all orange. The computer room was a great place to hang out. It had a false floor with miles of cable under and a lot of holes just the right size to fit a plastic coffee cup into so it was just level with the carpet tile surface. Hours spent knocking gold balls into those cups improved my putting no end. :)
Were you with ICL in the UK Phil?
Andyp":1is2z187 said:
Were you with ICL in the UK Phil?

Andy, no. All my early days in contract work programming was in Jo'burg, and Southern Africa.

At 20/21 it was easily juggling 2 or sometimes 3 jobs.
I eventually settled down to full time employment at a tobacco company in Jo'burg.