Another question i do apologise, short story. I just bought Kity 1619 Moulder, stripped cleaned and ensure all good. Didn't mess with the motor all seamed good until started the machine then 3 seconds later took out the 13A fuse (plug) twice so thought capacitors but there both reading correct (meter) and no bulging cracks etc. Motor turns freely by hand though can feel 2 points in one 360 deg rev where it slighly tightens. Opened motor up bearings both ends perfect no other visible damage & windings appear to test good, there is this spring loaded metal cup that presses againts the bottom plate which i think is motor brake which i have shown in pic mounted on the shaft maybe somone may be able to confirm, worked with fair few motors and never seen this type of brake if thats what it is? Still not found any real reason for the fuse popping which is anoying given the effort removing then refitting as it works well on the floor stand alone, frustrating.