• Hi all and welcome to TheWoodHaven2 brought into the 21st Century, kicking and screaming! We all have Alasdair to thank for the vast bulk of the heavy lifting to get us here, no more so than me because he's taken away a huge burden of responsibility from my shoulders and brought us to this new shiny home, with all your previous content (hopefully) still intact! Please peruse and feed back. There is still plenty to do, like changing the colour scheme, adding the banner graphic, tweaking the odd setting here and there so I have added a new thread in the 'Technical Issues, Bugs and Feature Requests' forum for you to add any issues you find, any missing settings or just anything you'd like to see added/removed from the feature set that Xenforo offers. We will get to everything over the coming weeks so please be patient, but add anything at all to the thread I mention above and we promise to get to them over the next few days/weeks/months. In the meantime, please enjoy!

Universal Circular Saw Sharpening Jig

Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga, Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga-Jiga, Jig!

There's a song in there somewhere, get it remixed by a DJ and it'll go off in the clubs in Ibiza 😂

Nifty jig, it reminds me of the old circular saw sharpening jigs for filing the plain steel blades.
Your reasoning for hand power sharpening makes sense to me, I also need to get up close these days!

I might make a simple (non adjustable ) for my TS blades. I tend to treat them as disposable at the moment.
A nifty jig - you might however have to set aside a " continuity shirt". It comes in handy if you are recording over several days, :)
Ah continuity. I used to be very diligent about that but I'm getting lazy in my old age. In fact, when I made Workshop Essentials 1, Jigs and Accessories, I bought a harlequin rugby shirt. It looked a bit ridiculous, especially as I was already fat by then, but it was meant as a joke. I figured I could have a different snazzy shirt for each film (I didn't know when I started that I would end up with a series of ten). But the shirt attracted more attention than the jigs, so I scrapped that idea :)

I've had more flack about this film than pretty much any one I've made before, I think. I might make a sequel addressing the criticisms. To those of you who Liked it, thank you.
I watched the video Steve. Seems like a good idea. The comments seemed positive I thought, though one person seemed to think you should quarantine your file because of toxic whatever. I do have a few blades to sharpen that I've been saving up, but am possibly too lazy to a) learn the necessary song and b) take the extreme risk of tungsten carbide poisoning :cool:
Excellent - Very helpful. I'm not sure I'll rely on the rhythm method .... I've heard stories.